Wednesday 19 August 2015

5 Tricky Ways To Impress Your Crush Part 2

2. Overall appearance.

2. Overall appearance.
If you’re on a mission to impress your crush, make sure you look presentable around him. You don’t need to go clad in layers of makeup or wear your shortest dress, but make sure your appearance is decent.

Don’t spend thousands to get that perfect outfit for him, but remember to be decently dressed.


3. Show that you’re interested.

3. Show that you
Girls can do a lot with just a small smile so use your power tool and impress him. Let him know that you’re interested in him just by casually touching his arm or laughing a little bit harder when he cracks a joke.

Pay attention towards him when he talks because knowing little things about him will make a difference.

Pay attention towards him when he talks because knowing little things about him will make a difference.

4. Be a bit flirty.

4. Be a bit flirty.
Don’t be a bore around him. Make him know that you’re a fun to be around so, flirt a little. Guys like when girls make the first move so ask him out if that needs to be done.

5. Be friendly with his friends.

5. Be friendly with his friends.
Try to become friend with his friends and let him know that you’re fun to hang out with even in a group.
If you get into his inner circle, there are more chances that he will fall for you.
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