Wednesday 19 August 2015

11 Dangerous Signs You’ve Been Exposed To Toxic Mold At Home Part 2

Sign 1: Frequent headache and memory loss.

Sign 1: Frequent headache and memory loss.

Sign 2: Fatigue

Sign 2: Fatigue

Sign 3: Muscle cramp, joint pain or any nerve pain.

Sign 3: Muscle cramp, joint pain or any nerve pain.

Sign 4: Numbness and tingling

Sign 4: Numbness and tingling

Sign 5: Redness of eyes and other eye troubles.

Sign 5:  Redness of eyes and other eye troubles.

Sign 6: Asthma, shortness of breath and cough problem.

Sign 6: Asthma, shortness of breath and cough problem.

Sign 7: Vertigo- head spinning sensation.

Sign 7: Vertigo- head spinning sensation.

Sign 8: Digestive worries like nausea, diarrhoea and more.

Sign 8: Digestive worries like nausea, diarrhoea and more.

Sign 9: An unusual metallic taste in the mouth.

Sign 9: An unusual metallic taste in the mouth.

Sign 10: Night sweats and regulations in body temperature.

Sign 10: Night sweats and regulations in body temperature.

Sign 11: Excessive urination and excessive thirst too.