Wednesday 19 August 2015

11 Ridiculously Disturbing Life Hacks You Are In Love With Part 2

3. Why disturb your virgin carbon footprint emission with this very lazy gesture?

3. Why disturb your virgin carbon footprint emission with this very lazy gesture?
You can wait and defrost the ice cream a bit. More so, it’s even useful if you scoop the ice cream using a true ice cream scooper. It won’t hurt a lot.

4. Nail art, anyone?

4. Nail art, anyone?
Did you know that Aquafresh is a 2-in-1 beauty secret? Aside from using it to brush your teeth, you can also utilize it as a triple-colored nail art. But of course, you’re not allowed to expose it to water or else, the art will be gone. Duh!

5. Stupid razors.

5. Stupid razors.
Who the hell thought of putting it on a plastic fork. Your effort will be wasted any time, homies!

6. ‘The fresh maker?’ Not again!

Aside from Aquafresh being a frustrated instant nail art, it can allegedly be used as how we consume Mentos–the fresh maker. But then, it’s still disgusting to treat this frozen toothpaste a minty alternative to mouth freshening candies made for that very purpose.

7. If there’s a will, there’s a way, but not with this plug.

7. If there
It’s not the safest, most stable way to do it. Well, I might understand that it’s because they cannot produce an adapter for the plug, but it’s simply annoying to look at it. It can kill the peace of Obsessive-Compulsive people from inside.

8. Bring it on, Nike gunman.

8. Bring it on, Nike gunman.
I did not know that Nike has its special edition devoted for gun pockets. And sadly, it’s awkward as hell.

9. No move, or to die!

9. No move, or to die!
When you travel, I know that it’s frustrating on your part to shake and remain unstable while your vehicle is hitting the road. When this life hack started to surface, many people had the guts to try it, but some of them have died. Apparently, this has become non-sense.

10. Is that a dildo, darling?

10. Is that a dildo, darling?
Simply gross and inappropriate to mash and juice out the fruit with this ‘tool.’

11. Your phone would be at risk of obnoxious odor and micro-organismic epidemic.

11. Your phone would be at risk of obnoxious odor and micro-organismic epidemic.
What the hell? To whoever who have thought that this idea is very beneficial, think again. It’s never good for the phone and your future, swear.
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