Friday 19 August 2016

11 Ridiculously Disturbing Life Hacks You Are In Love With

Life hacks are made to give people the easiest way out of a shitty situation. Such help should contain simplicity, clarity, relevance, resource efficiency, and affordability.
Unfortunately, though, not all the life hacks you see on the internet are helpful at all. At first glance, you may say that such things are beneficial. Apparently, some tips are messing with you and are wasting your precious time. That’s not a good kind of song to sing.
If you got used to a certain lifehack and somebody tells you that it makes no sense, give in. They must be right. If you don’t want to end up grieving and feel so bad about life, get rid of poorly-conceptualized lifehacks circulating. Now, to make your life easier here’s a quick tip, get rid of it now, like these things below.

1. Listerine and a baby powder for eliminating tooth cavities.

1. Listerine and a baby powder for eliminating tooth cavities.
Apparently, this method is not considered acceptable in the research community of dentists all over the word. To whoever who initiated this, I think that he’s never a trained tooth professional or he’s just happy messing with gullible tooth-insecure people.

2. Freezing a spaghetti sauce like a popsicle stick is never a good idea.

2. Freezing a spaghetti sauce like a popsicle stick is never a good idea.

This ‘brilliant idea’ will never ever convince ice cream lovers at all. Tomato juice for one is a gross drink. How much more when you freeze it and make it your drink’s ice?
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