Sunday 24 January 2016


Let’s be honest – perfecting a smokey eye is one of the hardest jobs for a girl. No matter how much good you become there is always something imperfect. Or you get one of the eyes, but the other one – not so much. After the holiday season is over you might have had a few meetings with the smokey eye challenge and if you have gotten better at doing it – ‘Yey!’ for you! The typical smokey eye involves a lot of blacks, deep purple, browns and some other darker colors. It is not that often that we use bright and fun colors for the smokey eye. But let’s try it this time. Here is an idea how to perfect the smokey eye, while using beatiful bronze colors that will make you feel amazing. Keep in mind that you have to be patient when doing this make up so that you make it perfect and look amazing. – Apply primer to the lid. That way your make up will last longer and it will be easier to apply everything else. – Start out your whole look with some black – the usual color for a smokey eye. Apply black eyeshadow at the outter corner of the eye by making a wing and filling it – as shown on the picture. – Grab a dark orange eyeshadow. Start applying it by blending it in with the black. You should get an effect that kind of look like the dawn – the last minutes when the sky is alsmost dark, but yet still orange. – Continue with a lighter shade of orange and fill the lid all the way to the inner corner. The colors should be transfusing. That way the whole eye look will appear flowy and more naturaly looking. – The fifth step is optional but will make your look apper more finished and polished. You can either apply a lot of mascara to make your lashes pop. Or you can grab some fake eyelashes and put them on. Well, try out to not go over the top. How you finish your look is up to you. Did your perfect the bronze smokey eye? I hope you did so! I guess you are proud with yourself. Combine your make up look with some little black dress – the most important piece of clothing in a womens wardrobe, and go out to have some fun!