Sunday 24 January 2016

Check Out The No-Photoshop Secret Guide To Look Photogenic In Pictures

#1 No More Photoshop
It’s a struggle to take the best possible photo without using the many editing apps the web has to offer! But the struggle is now over, because there are poses which will enhance your photo, making you look great EVERY TIME! Hiding your problem areas is key, giving the illusion that your fabulous from head to toe.

#2 Bend That Body
You can never go wrong by simply bending every body part that’s bendable! Bending creates a fluidity within your body, causing you to look comfortable and confident at all times. You never see a model standing face forward like a stiff board…so why would you?

#3 Turn To The Side
You come across much more playful and spur of the moment in photos if you turn to the side. This is great for people who tend to hunch their bodies!

#4 Pop The Knee
Sticking one knee out in a photo gives the illusion of lean and long limbs. This combined with the side pose gives an entirely different dynamic to the photo!

#5 No Flat Feet
If you choose to sit down in your photo, do not place your feet flat on the ground. Instead, curve your feet to an angle to look much more sophisticated yet comfortable. Of course you should also sit up straight to avoid looking scrunched in the tummy area.

#6 The Face Grab
If your going to do the hand on face pose, make sure your fingers are together. There’s nothing worse than having long separated fingers across your face as if it were a large spider. Also, lightly grab your elbow with the opposite hand to avoid looking like your holding on for dear life.