Sunday 24 January 2016

How To Create Fancy Hairstyle With Simple Braid

Take this advice from me: always push your boundaries and you will feel good and look good. Today I want to show you how to take your braiding skill to the next level – meet the four-strand braided tail. If you like what you see, just follow the steps one by one:

Apply smoothing mousse to the hair. This little trick will tame the flying hairs.

Tie the hair into high and sleek ponytail.

Hide the hair band with a hair strand from the tail. Secure it with bobby pin underneath.

Now, divide the tail into four equal parts. Number them from the left to the right.

Place the fourth strand over the third one.

Place the same strand under the second one and over the first one. Now the fourth strand became the first strand.

Now repeat the same splitting with the fourth strand (which was the third one before).

Repeat these steps until you reach the end of the tail.

Secure it with small elastic band and hide it again with a strand from the tail.

Spritz the tail with hair spray in order to prevent any flying hairs.


It will be better if the hair is flat straight. This particular texture of hair will create a better result of the braid.

When you master the four-strand braid, you should go for new techniques and designs until you master all the braiding skills.

Don’t quit the braiding too fast, keep in mind that these skills might earn you some money one day. You might not be a hair stylist, but at least you can charge all your friends for splitting their hairs into beautiful braided designs.

Keep searching for ideas and keep practicing the new skills until you feel confident enough about your work.

And most importantly – have fun!