Thursday 1 September 2016

This Girl Was Left In Tears When Her Boyfriend Went To Washroom For A Reason

Guys try everything to win the heart of girls. Either by hook or crook, they put in all their efforts to impress a girl. And ultimately a girl has to say YES, as she is left with no other option. (Does not happen everytime)
The guy in the story thought something out of the box which made her girlfriend cry. Have a look at it!
You can also read about the Coolest Proposal Ever!
She thinks it’s just a normal movie day and then he pretends to go to the washroom.

All of a sudden a new movie started, and it’s her boyfriend! Shocking!

In the movie, he takes permission from her father to marry his daughter. But like every time, her father turns him down.
The most epic proposal on the big screen!

Finally, outside the theater, his dad gives him blessings. What an amazing guy!

Back in the theater, she is going off the wall!

The perfect moment! And finally, the proposal goes down!