Wednesday, 19 August 2015

7 Sure Signs She’s A Girl, Not A Woman. #4 Is Totally True For All! Part 2

3. Women are classy.

3. Women are classy.
At a party, you’ll find a woman sitting with complete sophistication and yet, having a nice time. Girls will keep taking shots after shots and might also behave inappropriately after getting drunk.

4. Girls love social media.

4. Girls love social media.
Women love to live their life whereas girls love to post everything about their life to social media.

5. Women love trying new things.

5. Women love trying new things.
Due to their insecurities, girls will often not be willing to take up new things or try out new hobbies. Women are secure of their self-worth and they will be open to new adventures.

6. Girls are obsessed with their looks.

6. Girls are obsessed with their looks.
Girls will re-do their makeup about 100 times during a party whereas, women will try to go for a more natural look and be comfortable in their own skin.

7. Girls are addicted to reality television.

7. Girls are addicted to reality television.
Girls will love to watch the drama that unfolds on reality TV shows whereas, women will be more into reading books, watching exceptional and gaining some experience.
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