Sunday, 31 July 2016

8 Powerful Symptoms Of Cancer That Women Often Ignore

 If you look at the graph and status of people that got hit by cancer, you will notice the increasing graph for it. Yes, in past few years cancer has stricken people more than average and the results show most possibility in women.

Cancer in women can affect their body in form if breast cancer, colon cancer, ovarian cancer, cervical cancer and many other. But sometimes the symptoms shown by cancer tend to act like normal which is why you get late in monitoring the situation.

So in that case, when you find these potential symptoms, go and check it by a cancer specialist.

1. Symptoms like a chronic cough, chest pain, wheezing and shortness of breath
 A really bad cough can make you feel like lung tumors so better don't miss it and get it checked.
2.  Changes in breasts!
 Women should monitor their breasts via their own self-exam. Inverted nipple, discharge, lumps are few symptoms that preferably needs medical attention. It can be a sign of cancer.
3. Bloating and abdominal pain
 Almost all the women bloat during 'that' time of the month. And if you find this persistently then it can be an indication of ovarian cancer.
4. Swollen lymph nodes or lumps on the neck
 5. Modifications in skin
 Melanoma is a deadly kind of skin cancer. It can be in the form of mole or cyst which changes color or size of the skin.
6. Fatigue
 Weariness, fatigue and getting tired out at times can be a sign of cancer too.
7. Mouth changes
 White spots on lips, ulcers in mouth can be a hint to oral cancer.
8. Weight loss
Unexplained weight loss or sudden weight drop can be a hint of cancer. And if the weight loss is not due to your exercise then you must go to a doctor.