Saturday, 6 February 2016

8 Ways To Make Your Hair Grow Longer

Who doesn’t desire to have healthy long hair, I guess almost every girl does.
Folks, trust me, with these great tricks down here, you can grow long hair easily. All you need is to follow these steps sincerely. I’m sure you will thank me later.

1. A good shampoo

2. Proper hair wash

3. Wash your hair in cold water

4. Proper comb and brush

5. Trimming your hair

6. Healthy intake
A healthy intake gives a tremendous impact on hair growth. Your diet influences the nutrients in your body and these nutrients also help to build new hair. One must eat foods such as fish, fruits, vegetables and nuts for the healthy hair growth.

8. Drink plenty of water
Drinking less water cause dehydration will effect your skin and hair badly. Everyone must drink 8 glass of water in a day.