Friday 22 January 2016

Thicker Lashes for One Night

I’m sure that you have this simple ingredient at home – the petroleum jelly. How you will react if you know that the petroleum jelly can make your lashes appear thicker, darker and longer for only one night? I think that you’ll get extremely happy because that’s all you want to achieve since … FOREVER.

The key is in the moisturizing. The petroleum jelly is a natural product and its main property is to moisturize the surface, on which it is applied. So, let me show you how to use the petroleum jelly in order to achieve the wanted effect. Here are the steps:

You must do this trick before bed. So, clean the face with the facial tonic and exfoliate it. In fact, go through your “before-bed” procedure, which usually contains removing the makeup, cleaning the face with some kind of tonic or soap and putting moisturizing cream for the night. But this time, skip the moisturizing cream, because you will have to put the petroleum jelly on the problematic areas.

Take some petroleum jelly with your fingers and rub it between them, in order to warm it up with your body heat.

Then, apply it on the lids, right one the lash lines by rubbing it delicately with your fingers.

Keep taking the petroleum jelly and apply it directly on the lashes.

Then, move to the bottom lash line and repeat the steps.

Don’t worry if some petroleum jelly gets into the eye, it is a natural product and it won’t harm you at all.

Then, you can apply the petroleum jelly on other parts of the face, for instance around the lips and around the brows. Usually, these are the areas which are extremely dry.

Let the petroleum jelly work over the night and when you wake up, you will be able to enjoy thick and well-moisturized lashes.

All done! Enjoy the look!