Sunday 24 January 2016

How To Get Rid Of A Double Chin In Simple Steps!

70 out 100 persons are suffering from some kind of fat related issues. Double chin is one of them. People try different things from wearing high neck scarf to make-up to hide their double chin. But all these methods are either fails or has temporary effect. That’s why we are sharing very simple and very effective exercises to get rid of double chin problem.

Follow these simple steps to get rid of double chin.

1. Exercise First: Chin Lift
• Stand with your back and neck straight.

• Now look at ceiling.

• Pluck your lips toward ceiling.

• Hold it for 30 second and repeat 10 times.

2. Exercise Second: Neck Roll

• Stand straight and move your head to side so that your chin becomes parallel with shoulder.

• Slowly roll your head downward and then up to other side.

• Repeat 10 times.