Saturday 23 January 2016

Hair straightening and Heat Protectant Hair Spray Recipe

Hi Girls!

I was gifted a hair tools range from my friends for my birthday (yay!). Since then I could not stop straightening and curling my hair. It has almost become a part of my hair routine. After a month or so I noticed my hair lacked that lustrous shine I used to have and I developed split ends! (sob sob).

Then I decided to ask my hair stylist what can I do to get my shine and healthy growth back without stopping the usage of my straightener and curler. She suggested me to use the heat protectant spray. I went to a store and bought a heat protectant spray that was way too costly and did not do a thing to protect my hair from the heat.

So I researched online and found out that heat protectant sprays are the products used to lock in the moisture of your hair and provide you with an extra buffer of moisturisation . And then I thought to myself there is no point wasting money on these salon formulations. I decided to make one myself and here is what I came up with!

Things You’ll Need:

Coconut oil (organic is better)
Almond oil
Hair conditioner of your choice
250 ml water
A small spray bottle

Step 1 : Pour about 200 ml of water into the spray bottle leaving a head space. Do not pour in the whole 250 ml into the bottle; leave a head space of 2-3 inches.

STEP 2 : Now take a dropper filled with coconut oil and add 2-4 drops into the spray bottle.

STEP 3 : Now again fill the dropper with almond oil and add 4-5 drops of it into the bottle.

STEP 4 : Choose a conditioner that suits you hair well. I have chosen the Dove hair therapy damage solution. I have taken 2 dime sized drops of the conditioner and added to the spray bottle. Be careful not to use an excess amount of conditioner. It may work up excess of lather in your hair spray but if there is a little foaming when you add the conditioner then it is okay.

STEP 5 : You can add a little of hair spray if you like, but I do not like the residue it leaves on hair so I did not use it here. Feel free to customize your spray with the addition of hair spray. You can even add dry oils like argan oil or essential oils like lavender oil, rosemary oil etc. But keep the oils to a minimum of 2-3 drops because you do not want your hair to feel greasy while straightening.

STEP 6 : Add remaining water and shake well. Do not worry if your spray lathers up a bit, it is because of the conditioner we have added. Give it some time it’ll turn out to be a milky white or a translucent liquid.

Before and After Spraying it on My Hair:

Directions for Use:

Spray directly onto your hair keeping a distance of 10 cm {approx}. Work it up into your hair using your hands till it is spread evenly throughout your hair.
Don’t make your hair wet by spraying a large amount. If you have thick hair like me 2-3 squirts are enough to spread through one section of hair.
And let the spray dry out a little before you use heat onto it if you have dampened it too much.
Now you can use heat on your hair and achieve your favourite looks without compromising.

Note : Condition your hair before using heat onto your hair. Let you hair air dry. Apply your DIY heat protectant hair spray and spread evenly with your fingers. This spray will give you a nice shine after you’ve straightened or curled your hair. If your hair is too wet after spraying with the heat protectant spray wait for it to air dry or run your fingers through your hair for the product to spread through evenly and then use heat onto your hair. Same goes for salon formulations.

Do tell me if it worked for you. It surely worked for my hair. Have a split end free week ladies! :)