8 Amazing Things To Lighten The Dark Skin On Your Pubic Area

Saturday, 23 January 2016

Everyone takes a lot care about his/her face and other parts but the pubic area is much ignored one. The reason may be either we’re not aware that how to take proper care of that or we hesitate to ask about it even from our closed ones. The pubic parts get darken with time as people care less about them so here we are going to tell you some simple tricks to get that area lighter.Scroll down and try these in your day-to-day life.Via tellyouall

Take raw papaya and peel off its skin. Then rub it over the affected area and let it be for 20 minutes. Now, wash it off. Try this at least once in a week. You’ll see the results.
Take some tomatoes and then crush them. Now, apply the tomato extract over the bikini area wherever it is required. Leave it there for 20 minutes and then wash with normal water.
Take some orange extract and apply them there for 20 minutes and wash it off.
Olive oil is too good for the skin, and we all know it very well. It can remove the scars and wrinkle and also lighten the skin. Rub some olive oil over there and for good results keep it at least for a day. This surely will lighten the skin color.

Almost all of us know that how good the raw milk is for our skin. It not only brightens the skin but also nourishes it. Take small cotton balls, soak them in milk and then rub them there.
Cut lemon in two parts and then rub it at least for two days and do this daily for 3 minutes to lighten the area.
Take some lemon juice and apply this with cotton balls over there and the skin will be lightened gradually.
Either cut the potato in slices and rub it there or extract its juice and apply it with the help of cotton balls.